Fostering Personal Development and Social Progress (Foundation Level) [ C7 ] |
A modular programme for youth to develop a new personality with moral capabilities, life skills and leadership abilities
Nurturing the intellectual and moral growth of the individual and contributing to society’s collective development constitute the two-fold purpose of education. To achieve the above the emphasis of the course is on building moral capabilities, life skills and leadership abilities. The five components that result into such abilities include clarifying concepts, practicing necessary skills, developing healthy attitude, strengthening spiritual qualities, and acquiring relevant information. Hence the programme goes beyond acquisition of knowledge alone and emphasizes practical application of the values and principles in real life situations. The home activities, practical assignments in one’s extended family and Service Learning Activities in the community prepare the participants to apply their learning to address real life issues in various contexts: personal, professional and community.
This Foundation Level Course consisting of \'Moral Capabilities\' module and Service Learning Activities.
Course Content:
The Moral Capabilities module is a masterpiece. At the start it clarifies five components through which capability can be developed, going beyond the assimilation of information alone. It focuses on \'clarifying concepts\' that is the bedrock of learning and addresses skill development without which concepts and information cannot be applied for one\'s development and social change. The module goes to the all-important aspect of one\'s personality - that is his attitude and human qualities. It engages the students to creatively think about their families and professional environments and their purposeful activities to enrich those environments. It helps students to develop their vision to build an ideal community.
In the remaining six units of Moral Capabilities, six capabilities are developed: Managing One\'s Affairs with Rectitude of Conduct; Promoting Rectitude of Conduct; Creating Environment of Unity Built on Diversity; Unity of Action; Exercising Initiative in a Disciplined and Creative Way; and Fostering Initiative.
The Module is a combination of online study and Collaborative and Cooperative Learning, team work through the discussion forums, educational games, practical work and community projects.
It involves individual and pair work, team activities, large group work, individual and group presentations, songs and service learning activities. Open-ended questions abound in order to help participants think both critically and creatively, explore and look for deeper meanings. In short, students become active agents of their own learning and not passive listeners.
Mentors help course participants to design their Service Learning Activities in order to:
1. Strengthen their experiential learning and improve their capabilities
2. Practice service to fellow citizens and foster social progress.
The service activities can be implemented in a neighbourhood, a nearby community, school or in the participants\' own institution. Guidance is provided through the \'service learning activities\' module.
Awarding Certificates and Transcripts:
On completion of the module, practical work and service learning activities, certificates and the transcripts are awarded to students by the Bahá\'í Academy.
Medium of Instruction:
At present the course is available in English only. Preparation of the Course in Marathi is in process.
Course Duration:
Minimum 3 months and Maximum 1 year
At present the course is open to all who reside in India.
Course Fees:
Non-students Rs.1000
Students (individuals) Rs.850/-
Students (group of 3 or more) Rs.700/- each
Course Type : Online Duration : To be announced Fee : To be announced Download Attachment
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