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Observance of the UN International Youth Day 2021

Observance of the UN International Youth Day (11 August 2021)

Dear all! The theme of this year UN International Youth Day is Transforming Food Systems:

Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health. One may wonder why the UN has connected this important theme to the ‘youth’.

Friends! Young people make up around 50 per cent of the global population. So the call is about the future. The future is youthThe future of our world is our youth. (UN Office at Geneva, n.d.) We can build a just and resilient world where no one is left behind. In deed the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 will be held on 23 Sept. 2021 in New York. (United Nations, n.d.) Register at

According to the UN, Young People are the key to transforming world_s food systems. Young people are taking a leading role in shaping fair and equitable food systems around the world: Good Food for All.

Let us think about some of the characteristics the youth possess. Man_s life has its springtime and is endowed with marvellous glory. The period of youth is characterized by strength and vigour and stands out as the choicest time in human life. Therefore you should strive day and night so that … you may become the ornaments of the world of humanity…(Abdul-Baha, n.d.) Additionally we read about the other unique qualities of the Youth, such as endurance under arduous conditions, … ability to adapt themselves to local situations, to meet new challenges , and to impart their warmth and enthusiasm…(The Universal House of Justice, n.d. )

Considering the above, we need to appreciate the call of the UN and, as youth, consciously participation in the affairs of the world through … involvement in international development… (bic, 1986)  Of course it is a matter of individual choice to stay in our comfort zone or welcome challenges when we arise to change the world for better. As rightly said …it is within your power to contribute significantly to shaping the societies of the coming century; YOUTH CAN MOVE THE WORLD. (Melanie Smith and Paul Lample, 1991)  

What does food system mean?  A food system includes all processes and infrastructure involved in feeding a population: growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, marketing, consuming, distributing and disposing of food and food-related items. It also includes the inputs needed and outputs generated at each of these steps. A food system operates within and is influenced by social, political, economic, and environmental contexts. It also requires human resources that provide laborresearch and education…  (See for graphics) Global food systems provide employment for 1 billion people!!

What are the challenges of Global Food Systems? Challenge 1: The global food system is facing a number of challenges created by global food security issues created by climate change and non-climate change stresses on the system. About 34% of total greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to the global food system. In 2020 an EU evidence review found that this is will increase by about 40% by 2050 due to population growth and dietary change. Therefore transitioning to sustainable food systems is critical for addressing these global challenges.

Challenge 2: Around 14% of food produced is lost from post-harvest up to, but not including, the retail level. Out of the total food available to consumers in 2019, approximately 17% went to the waste bins of households, retailers, restaurants and other food servicesDuring transportationgood physical infrastructure and efficient trade logistics are of key importance to prevent food losses. Processing and packaging can play a role in preserving foods, but losses can be caused by inadequate facilities as well as technical malfunction or human error. At the retail level, the causes of food waste are linked to limited shelf life, the need for food products to meet aesthetic standards in terms of colour, shape and size, and variability in  demand.  (Wikipedia, 2021)

The many parameters that influence our food systems include fertilizers, the food desires, and almost every other decision we make. Many elements in the past two decades have affected the systems. They include climate changepopulation growth, and consumption patterns. We need to assess all these building blocks to better understand the health of the system.(ibid) For Food Systems graphics visit . InTeGrate. (2018).

Another Challenge is Finance. When it comes to profit over Purpose very often food systems put profit over purpose. This places the most nutritious foods often out of reach for many households. Unfortunately Families are forced to turn to heavily marketed and unhealthy alternatives. These may be cheaper and more available. But they also lead to poor nutritional outcomes, threatening children_s development and growth and — in the worst cases — survival itself. (UN Geneva, 2021)   

What are the areas of innovation for transformation? In the UN 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report four levers or tools have been identified that society has at its disposal to transform the global food system: they are: Technology, GovernanceFinance and Behavioral Change.

But why do we need transformation? The UN predicts we will be 9-10 billion people on Earth in 2050. Providing so many people with nutritious foods is a massive challenge and one that cannot be met by simply up-scaling current practices regarding food production and consumption. Moreover Providing humanity with nutritional food is at the center of all decisions related to sustainable development. However we should consider that agriculture is responsible for 80% of global deforestation; the food systems release 29% of global greenhouse gasses; we use an area equivalent to North and South America combined for the production of meat for consumption or to produce the food necessary to feed the animals we eat; and 70% of fresh water use is related to agriculture. These figures are staggering, and they show us, that we need to rethink and transform the way we produce, distribute and consume food worldwide. According to the United Nations, Transforming food systems is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)…Food is much bigger than what is on our plate, … (having) connections with health, environment and culture. (We need to ) transform our food systems to be more equitable, inclusive and sustainable. (UN Geneva, 2021)   

Join a Free Coursera Course offered by the University of Copenhagen! This course focuses on how food systems can become more sustainable. It consists of four modules where each focuses on an essential ingredient towards developing more sustainable food systems: (1) Boosting the small, (2) Transforming the big, (3) Losing less and (4) Eating smarter. In each of these key areas, we will meet people from different countries around the world, who labor every day to find and spread solutions that work.

Connecting the challenges that must be overcome to develop a sustainable global food system with the solutions being developed by the amazing group of people you meet in this course is a huge source of inspiration.  I truly believe that the global food system can be transformed to sustainably meet the needs of 9-10 billion people and, with this course, I dare you to join me! (Coursera, 2021) 



Abdul-Baha. (n.d.). Retrieved from

BIC . (1986). Retrieved from 

Coursera. (2021). Retrieved from 

Melanie Smith and Paul Lample. (1991).  Youth can Move the World.  USA. Palabra Publications 

The Universal House of Justice. (n.d.) in Melanie Smith and Paul Lample. (1991). Youth can Move the World. USA  Palabra Publications 

UN Office at Geneva. (n.d.). Retrieved from

UN Geneva. (2021). Young people Key to Transforming World’s Food Systems. Retrieved from

UN. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2021). Retrieved from


Reports of Activities By the Participants of The International Youth Day Observance


1)Name: Soma Dhar 

College/ Institution Name: Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel 

University Name: Mumbai University 

Class: 1st year B. Ed. 2020-2022 

Title of the activity: Transformation of Leftover Food 

Objectives of the activity: To use leftover food without throwing into dustbin 

Details: My family members are  Samridhi Bose, Santanu Bose and myself. In my home, bread is used for breakfast. But sometimes it remains unused due to its monotonous taste. For this reason, I always searched for new recipes which can help me to use bread wisely and my family is happy to have it. I know many recipes of bread; out of which I am sharing two recipes which are very delicious and as well as healthy too. Bread Chowmein and Masala Bread are the two easy and quick Indian breakfast recipes. My family members enjoyed the food and finished it in no time. It is a delicious way to use up leftover bread. We can use the same recipes for leftover roti and rice. Food cannot be wasted as it is priceless. We can enhance the nutritional value of the humble bread by adding different toppings as per our liking. I have added veggies and peanuts which will make this masala bread very wholesome and nutritionally power-packed. You can add different nuts and seeds and extra veggies like carrots and bell peppers if you like. Sometimes, simplest of the things bring you the biggest of joys. Bread chowmein and Bread masala are such things. You know that feeling of satisfaction when you make something soulful and it tastes really good? I always enjoy that feeling when I make these delicious bread/roti/rice items.

2) Name: Miss.Yadav Anjali Anil 

College/ Institution Name: Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati . 

University Name: Savitribai Phule Pune University 

Class: SY B.Com.2nd year 

Title of the activity: Character development, sports, teamwork etc. 

Objectives of the activity: The goals of youth development programs promote positive development, even when seeking to prevent problem behaviors. 

Details: I have conducted interactive sessions with my friends, neighbours and my family. This included sharing thoughts and playing games to understand and experience the benefits of teamwork. The outcome was that they all learnt about the power of youth and teamwork. The experience was amazing and insightful. My learning was how youth could identify and resolve any problem when they work unitedly as a team. This gave me a better understanding about the power of engaging youth in different aspects of community life. There is a great need to emphasize on the power of youth in the education system and media, and to raise their issues and the social difficulties they face to be able to protect their rights and rescue them from violence. 

3) Name: Atole Shrushti Balaso

 College/ Institution Name: Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati 

University Name: Savitribai Phule Pune University 

Class: S.Y.B.Sc. 

Title of the activity: Group study and plantation 

Objectives of the activity: To generate Unity among Youth and conduct some activities for the wellbeing of society. 

Details: We have conducted this activity with some family members and friends (Abhishek Atole, Pooja Atole, Supriya Atole, Rohan Atole, Balaso Atole, Priti Gawde, Pratiksha Atole, Suvarna Atole, Tribank Atole). In this Covid-19 situation students  have faced problems in continuing their study, so we thought of forming one study group to help everyone to overcome this problem. This worked well and  was very impactful. Our study group also planned for tree plantation which was needed for improving the natural environment in our locality. Outcomes of these two activities were very encouraging. Many society members joined us in this activity. Our experience was amazing as in both of these activities people came together and helped each other and shared their ideas. We observed that youth must come together and organize such activities to help our society and build unity. 

4) Name: Gawade Suhas Sunil 

College/ Institution Name: Tuljaram Chaturchand College, Baramati 

University Name:Savitribai Phule Pune University 

Class: S.Y.B.Sc (2020-2021) 

Title of the activity: Discussion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of online Courses 

Objectives of the activity: 1. Online Learning May Create a Sense of Isolation . 2. Online Learning Requires Self-Discipline · 

Details: GAWADE SUHAS SUNIL and friends participated in this discussion to explore the positive and negative aspects of online study sessions and courses. There existed  many misconceptions and it gave rise to many misunderstandings among the students regarding the online courses; and the sense of isolation it creates. The discussion helped to clear many doubts and misconceptions were removed. My experience of online courses has been very productive as it created no hindrance in learning a lot of new things. We understood the importance of online courses though it was strongly felt that this learning experience can be greatly beneficial if self-discipline is maintained. Remaining punctual, focused, and engaged was required to make online sessions interesting and productive. 

5) Name: Bindu Suhas Tambe 

College/ Institution Name: MES Pillai College of Education and Research, Panvel 

University Name: University of Mumbai 

Class: Professor 

Title of the activity: Grandmas recipes for food transformation 

Objectives of the activity: To create awareness about food transformation, to encourage new ways of thinking for food sustainability, to inculcate concern for the sustainability of food resources. 

Details: We had conducted this activity with  F.Y. B.Ed. and F.Y. M.Ed. students. We asked students to recreate recipes of reusing food items and not letting them go to waste. Students participated enthusiastically and posted recipes along with pictures of how wastage of food can be avoided. Wonderful recipes for all to try! I learnt that food transformation is right from sowing seeds to distribution and recycling of food from one state to another.

6) Name: Dr. Dinesh Chahal 

College/ Institution Name: Central University of Haryana 

University Name: Central University of Haryana 

Class: National Service Scheme 

Title of the activity: The Role of Youth in Nation building 

Objectives of the activity: To motivate youths to play their active role in nation-building. 

Details: Volunteers of National Service Scheme, Central University of Haryana and the Students, Research scholars and Professors of CUH and other Universities have participated in this project. To motivate youths to play their active role in nation-building on the occasion of International Youth Day, a webinar focused on The role of Youth in Nation building  was organized at Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendragarh by National Service Scheme. In this program, Motivational speaker Munish Anand addressed the participants of the University including teachers, students, research scholars from all over the country. Participants from various institutions across the country including Dean, Head of Department, teachers, students, research scholars from various branches participated through online medium.  We have organized the webinar successfully, More than 400 Participants have participated through online mode. The discussion highlighted the need for  youth to be engaged as a constructive  force for building a stronger India. They should be guided and assisted so that their constructive and creative energy is not diverted to the anti-social path which is killing our society. They should work hard to realize the dreams of their parents and make India a better place to live in.

7) Name: Sayra Salim Inamdar

College/ Institution Name: Pillai College of Education and Research, New Panvel 

University Name: Mumbai University

 Class: B.Ed .1st year 

Title of the activity: International Youth day 

Objectives of the activity: Create awareness about friendship  

Details: This discussion involved teachers and students. We discussed nurturing friendships as an important aspect of the life of young people. We realized that togetherness was a positive force that helps youth to face and solve many problems. This sharing of our thoughts on the importance of friendship in our life made us more aware that friendship is beautiful and necessary for our healthy personal and social  life. This was a very enlightening experience for me.  

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